Resilience is a dynamic quality that allows people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back stronger than before. Ron Archer says that rather than letting setbacks, traumatic events, or failure drain your resolve, there's a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward your goals.
Ron will teach you and your company how to handle the S.T.O.R.M.s of life (Significant Trauma Overwhelming Reasonable Minds) through a resilient attitude and mindset. He will help you identify the Courageous Climbers, the Cautious Campers, and the Complaining Quitters among your ranks. If you or your company are looking for a breakthrough today, then let Ron Archer show you how leadership resiliency and team oneness are the keys to ultimate victory.
The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. Contact Ron today to learn more about booking him for your next corporate event.
Did you grow up in a fatherless home?
If you did, that means your father was missing in action. Through no fault of your own, you never had an affectionate, supportive, and involved father contributing to your social development, academic achievement, sense of well-being, and feelings of self-esteem.
I grew up without these key parenting elements because I was raised without a father and with a father in the home, which takes a little explaining. My mother, an unwed seventeen-year-old at the time, didn’t know who my father was when I was born. Then, when I was three or four years old, a man named Dick Archer moved into our apartment, and I was told he was my father. He never treated me like I was his child, however: he physically and verbally abused me to no end until he finally split when I was in fourth-grade.
When that happened, I became another statistic in the epidemic of fatherlessness that has swept this country a lot longer that the COVID-19 pandemic—and with far greater consequences, I believe.
Fatherlessness can be associated with nearly every societal ill facing our country’s children:
• poverty
• drug and alcohol abuse
• poor physical and emotional health
• inadequate educational achievement
• crime rates
• early sexual activity
• teen pregnancy
This is why I'm laser-focused on speaking out on the topic of fatherlessness. If you’re broken because you didn't grow up with a father in the home, I want you to understand that God loves you, that you have value, and that you have purpose. Let Him become the father you never had as He has been for me.
Ron and Chris Archer have started the Fatherhood Project, an initiative that gives fathers the tools they need to be good dads. In their presentation, they teach the five pillars of fatherhood: be present; be attentive; be affirming, be consistent; and be committed. Watch the following YouTube video to learn more.
Fathers play a crucial role in the lives and development of their children, offering unconditional love, emotional support, firm guidance, and financial stability. Traits of a good father include affection, patience, respect, empathy, discipline and responsibility.
These days, twenty million children, or more than one child in every four, live without a father. Broken down by race, the problem of fatherlessness becomes especially acute.
According to US government statistics, 72 percent of African American children are born to unmarried mothers, followed by Hispanics
(53 percent), whites (29) percent, and Asians (17 percent). The devastating epidemic of children growing up without a father in the home has ripple effects throughout our culture.
If one man can spend one hour a week for 52 weeks mentoring a child, everything about that child improves, including their self-worth, their academic performance, their physical health, and their sense of self-esteem. Ron and Chris Archer have developed a mentoring program called From Simba to Mufasa (based on the "Lion King" characters) in Florida and Ohio. Contact them for more information.
Ron Archer grew up as a fatherless kid from the inner city of Cleveland, a stutterer in elementary school and laughed at by classmates. He learned that if he wanted to do great things, then he had to tackle the difficulties of life, which he shares eloquently in "The Power of One Man."
Dawn Eskew, president and founder of Personhood Education
Ron Archer also appeared on the Life Today program to talk with hosts James Robison and his wife, Betty, about fatherlessness.
With a booming voice, a take-command stage presence, and raw emotion, Ron Archer is a spellbinding speaker and a force to be reckoned with whenever he takes the stage. He has spoken at churches and in corporate settings for more than four decades. A former vice president of the S.C. Johnson Wax Co. called him the “Martin Luther King, Jr. of the corporate world who challenges the very soul of a company to be transformed.”
Chris is a military veteran with a master's degree from the University of Maryland in cyber intelligence and cyber security. A lifelong learner and servant leader, Chris has a passion for investing in others and enjoys accompanying his father and speaking about the importance of fatherhood. He has also spent a significant amount of time in Germany, Italy, England, Hawaii, and the Dominican Republic. A father of three, Chris has been happily married to his high school sweetheart Kila for more than ten years.
Not long ago, Ron and his son, Chris, this question: "What's been the most meaningful thing we've done as a father and son?" Chris' answer surprised Ron. "The truth is, Dad, when you'd come home from a speaking trip and grab a football and take me outside to play catch, that meant the world to me. I had you all to myself. It was you and me, and we could talk about anything in my life. That football was a rope of truth between us."
In three-and-a-half mesmerizing minutes, you will see and hear the power of Ron Archer:
You can learn more about Ron and his mother, Elizabeth, in Ron's book, What Belief Can Do.
After Ron was born to a seventeen-year-old single mother, he was sexually abused by a babysitter, teased unmercifully by classmates for his stuttering, and neglected at home. Ron wanted to die. At age ten, he
put a loaded snub-nosed revolver to his head and
pulled the trigger.
The gun did not fire.
With the help of a heroic public school teacher who introduced him to the Bible, Ron discovered Jesus Christ and finally found his voice. Now a celebrated public speaker, he reaches out to others who are in despair, sharing the hope that can only come from God.
"I stumbled upon Ron through the 700 Club. I read his book all in one sitting. "What Belief Can Do" is an incredible testimony of God's power to equip the called. I was inspired through his pain to see that God is not finished with me yet."
"I could not put the book down. My heart went out to Ron and all that he went though, but he did not give up or give in."
"God had a plan for this man's life from conception. Some parts are hard to read as he reveals his life struggles, but hopefully they will encourage those struggling with similar issues in their lives. I highly recommend it."
"This book was so good. This man's story is one everyone needs to read. It's powerful."
"I could not tear myself away from this book until the last page! Ron endured so many things that no child should ever have to go through, but when he met God, his outlook changed completely. What an inspiration!"
"A must read for men, women, and teens. I wish pastors would buy some books and share them with their staff."
Got a question about the Bible or living the Christian way? Then watch Ron host this highly interesting TV program where questions are answered live on the air by a panel of pastors from local churches. Click on this link to watch this program:
Recently, Ron was a guest on the New Life Live! nationally syndicated radio program hosted by Steve Arterburn and Dr. Jill Hubbard. They covered a wide variety of topics : weight loss, sexual abuse, demons, the Christian walk, affairs, incarceration, and in-laws. Click on this link to listen:
Ron explains what his new book, The Power of One Man, is all about in this compelling video:
When Ron's mother was pregnant with him, she was seventeen years old, unmarried, and didn't know who the father was. She was a young woman in crisis.
This is the impetus for a group home called Places of Hope in Cleveland, Ohio, where pregnant
woman dealing with a crisis pregnancy, young men contemplating suicide, or pastors facing burnout can take a "time out" and regroup.
Use this link to learn more about Places of Hope:
Ron has a heart for healing people in every way through a ministry he founded called Places of H.O.P.E., which is situated at the Leadership Restoration Center in Cleveland, Ohio. To learn more, visit this website: http://bit.ly/2Vl3Upm
Before the pandemic, Ron was constantly speaking around the world. He's an incredible communicator who touches people with his inspirational story as well as timely insights.
Ron has had exciting discussions with Hollywood producers about making a full-length movie of his incredible life. He has also been cast as an inspirational pastor in "Charlie's Dream," his first acting role.
Ron Archer never should have been born. In the early 1960s, his mother was a seventeen-year-old call girl in Cleveland, Ohio, when she became pregnant—a hazard of the trade. A back-alley abortion failed, and Ron came into this world as a neglected afterthought.
Ron overcame a lot growing up. He was sexually abused by a sadistic babysitter, teased unmercifully by schoolmates as “Renaldo the Retardo” because of his constant stuttering, and physically and verbally abused by his stepfather. At age ten, alone in the house, he put a loaded snub-nose revolver to his head and pulled the trigger. The gun didn’t fire.
A kind schoolteacher took an interest in Ron and helped him overcome his stuttering. She told Ron that he was not a mistake and that he was created for a purpose. "You are a gentle soul, but you are going to be strong," she said. "You have a beautiful voice. You don’t hear it yet, but I believe that God is giving you a gift, a gift to speak.”
On the evening of March 4, 2022, over 500 people gathered at the Fredericksburg Expo Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia, to hear Dr. Ron Archer. Within minutes of him beginning to speak, everyone in the room was utterly captivated by the redemptive story of his life. His theme that "God can use anyone" not only rang true throughout the evening, but was all anyone could talk about as they walked out the doors.
Everyone in the room was moved to respond. Ron was instrumental in helping us to far exceed our fundraising goal. His powerful message will with all stay with all who attended, and Ron was surely the catalyst for life-change in our regions for years to come.
—Christian Johnson
CEO of Choices Women's Center
In my career, I have heard many guest speakers at various conferences, and to be honest, they were forgettable. Twenty-five years ago, I heard Ron speak and never forgot the impact he had on my career and developing leaders. I remembered much of what he said, so when it was time for my organization to hold our national conference after the past few years of challenges, I had a feeling Ron was the perfect choice—and he was! After he spoke, there was a line to meet with him to compliment him on his inspirational and empowering speech. I still have folks talking about him!
—Craig Erlich
President and CEO
Friendly's Restaurants
As Ron Archer shared his story, there was silence in the room. He shared about his birth being the result of a trick, the lack of security at home, and the abuse that faded into hopelessness causing a desire to end his life at the age of ten.
Ron's captivating presentation brings listeners into the storyline and lets them experience the pain of a crisis pregnancy, the vulnerability of a child experiencing insecurity at home, and the terrible results of abuse during childhood. Ron received a lengthy and emotional standing ovation at the end of his dynamic presentation.
I highly recommend Ron Archer for your next fundraising banquet. His passion is revealed in every word. His desire to reach those in the trenches of despair in life will inspire your audience.
—Cindi Boston, Vice President of Heartbeat International
Ron Archer's delivery and presentation were phenomenal! By far, this was one of the best leadership training courses we've ever had. I sincerely hope we can host Ron Archer in the future.
—Ursula L. Burkhalter, Chief of HR Operations, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command
Ron Archer not only motivated but also gave useful step-by-step guidance in dealing with difficult people. It was an uplifting and informative forum that our supervisors thoroughly enjoyed.
—Tanya Allbritten, Chief of Training and Career Management, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command
To say that Ron Archer's message was inspiring, motivational, and stirring would be an understatement. From the moment he started, over 800 were entranced by his powerful message. He was completely personal but totally professional. His voice control, inflection of his words, and response to the temperature of the audience made him a pleasure to listen to. The truth he shared, along with his use of humor and personal testimony, made his message very relatable to all in attendance.
Immediately following the event, we began to receive requests to bring Ron back next year. One businessman in particular was quite confident that if we advertised his return through word-of-mouth alone, we could fill a large portion of the college arena where we hosted the event.
—Beth Willis, CPC of Wabash Valley Director of Development
At our 2022 Republican Red Gala, Ron delivered a powerful, awe-inspiring keynote message. He did not disappoint! We sincerely thank Ron for every word he spoke, for every hand he shook, for every hug he freely gave, and for every book he signed.
The evidence of God's light shining through him was clearly seen in Wise County, Texas, that evening. His love of God, family, and country will forever be stamped into our minds and hearts.
—Darla Bailey, president of Wise Republican Women in Wise County, Texas
Mind-blowing oration that is factual, believable, and true. Ron Archer is one of a kind!
—William Blue, Director of The Potter's House International Pastoral Allliance
I appreciate you taking the time to address our team. We are big fans of your speaking and principles.
—Marvin Lewis, head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals NFL football team
As an event planner, I have personally worked with dozens of keynote speakers. As Ron Archer started his presentation, his booming voice filled the ballroom and immediately got everyone's attention. He took the group on a rollercoaster ride of lessons and anecdotes going loud and firm, and then soft and low. Everyone was hanging on every word. Ron truly exceeded all expectations, and his story and lessons will help all the attendees, myself included.
—Susie Moll
Friendly's Restaurants Event Planner
Darrell Thompson is an entertainment attorney who acts as Chief Operating Officer and general counsel for Ron Archer's speaking ministry. He has managed numerous artists and actors, and his expertise is entertainment contracts.
Ked Frank is the president of Refuge for Women, a national nonprofit, faith-based organization that provides long-term care for women who are survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, offering them a new beginning.
Ashley, the daughter of Ron Archer, is the Vice President of Sales and Customer Care. Her focus is on helping pregnancy resource centers, women shelters, and safe houses.
For more information on Ron Archer or to inquire about him speaking at your next event, please use this Contact form.
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